There are NO Golden Girls, Except on a TV Sitcom

That’s right: I’ve never seen a Golden Girl.

Everyone has heard rumors of the Golden Boys who can do no wrong. I have never seen an actual Golden Girl, except on that old Sit-Com. It can be that just doesn’t exist. That means you have to be wise about how you conduct yourself.

In order to stay in the In Crowd, you might consider the following:

  1. Be Smart and Keep from Going Too Far. Stay connected widely and be visible. Check in on how it’s going with trusted mentors, especially on what could be controversial BEFORE you embark. Take time to make sure you stay connected to your mentors and supporters, especially when you are busiest. Evaluate your support network on an ongoing basis. Get help from your support network as soon as possible when or if problems crop up, so you don’t have to resort to “last ditch” efforts to solve a problem. Realize there is a limit to the amount and frequency of help your support network can provide. Be wary of situations where time-pressure is extreme.
  2. Know when you are out of your element and listen and learn. Be a learning leader. Manage to a level of detail that works best for everyone involved.
  3. Watch out for Stress. Not only is it a killer, it’s a career killer too. Maintain emotional control, and if you can’t, take a break. Find positive ways of coping, stay healthy and fit. Make time for your family and friends, even it is “peaks and valleys” of time. Keep a repeatable schedule as much as possible, as this keeps everything in rhythm. Don’t try to be Super-Person.
  4. Check in On Your Intentions. Most people are well intentioned; make sure your intentions remain positive even if others are not. Avoid sarcasm - it’s the humor of the intelligent, but it puts people off. Make time to nip relationship problems in the bud. You cannot bully your way to the top for long. Don’t cause problems where there are none. Stay away or go slowly with controversial situations, as much as possible. Don’t cause problems where there are none.
  5. Exhibit Respect. There isn’t another way to maintain critical support in the face of problems.

What’s your checklist of things to keep your leadership efforts on the right track? Let us know!

You might also like to read Female Power and the “In Crowd” and Falling Out of the “In Crowd”.

Golder Girls Photo credit:

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Categories: Career Development, Differentiating Yourself, Female Power, Managing Problem Situations, women


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